Thursday, 14 June 2012


* PME  :  Please give us a brief bio, where you are from and how you started in this field?
-My name is Ajayi Olusuyi Kolamide AKA SIMPLY SIMPLE,a native of  Ekiti. Music for me started suddenly,i was never in the choir so i did not start from church...but somehow,i realized i could. I'm signed to BAY PRODUCTIONS

* PME :   When did you first discover your creative talents?
-Around 2003

* PME :    What did your family do to encourage you?
-My mum is my constant adviser, I'm not bold enough to tell my dad about my choice, so its basically between my mum and I. That's not to mean that I'm a prodigal son

* PME :    What inspires you most in life?
God first, Nature and everything that is natural inspires me a lot. People's story inspires me too, so that makes me a very good listener.

* PME :    What is your motto or the advice you live by?
That "whatever you own and have in this life is a privilege and when you don't understand the knowledge behind privilege,you fall on the wrong edge". That you're pretty, tall, talented, adorable, rich and the likes, is a privilege, since we all cant remember telling GOD to create us that way, so we should learn not to intimidate others with our privilege.

* PME :    Ten years from now you will be....?
I will be what GOD wants me to be. Men can only aspire,only GOD can make it come to pass. I have my dreams though...."winks"

* PME :    Any influences or anyone you look up to musically?
I have a lot of people i look up to musically, locally, I learn one or two things daily from every music act that had made it in Nigeria, ranging from 2face's humility to D'banj's stage performance, to Asa's delivery. I cant say all of it now. And internationally, I respect R Kelly and Ludacris a lot. I listen to Lil' Wayne and Drake too.

* PME :    Any interests, other than music?
I have interest in fashion but that would wait for now.

* PME :    Do you play any instruments?
Aside the normal agogo (as in the normal C.A.C bell that we play with in those days, LMAO), nope, but am learning to play guitar now.

* PME :    If you were to choose between a romantic night out with the girl of your dreams or watching your favorite football club play live, which would you choose?
Hmmmmm...ah ah?,why you dey ask me this kind question? I'll choose a romantic night out with my favorite girl of course, shey my football club go pay me ni?

* PME :    Have you always enjoyed the art of music? comforts me when I write, record music, and when i perform,i do so with the excitement to show you how happy i am doing it.

* PME :    Any celeb crushes?
Yeah, i get eyes nah, and i get feelings to. So i must definitely have celeb i crush on, a lot

* PME :   What song did u listen to this morning?
I listened to my new song coming out very soon. KOGA ft 2 Scarce, the song is just too crazy. Watch out.

* PME :   If you would be someone else for a day, who would you be?
I'll be my Mother...if you don"t mind. lol

* PME :   What defines your sense of style?.
I allow my reasoning to define my dress sense, as far as I'm comfortable with what I'm wearing, I'm so good to go.

* PME :   What can't you go a day without?.
I cant go a day without listening to music.

* PME :   For our readers who have never heard you, explain your music in 5 words?
My kinda music is Appealing

*  PME:   Tell your fans about your upcoming tracks.
I have butterfly on air now and very soon, I'll be dropping koga featuring tu scarce, its a new song and a new type of song for the dance floor. Its a unique and different tune. Its we doing our Afro thing on techno/ garage beat. Its brand new,you would love it.

* PME :    One word for your fans.
God bless you all...I mean God bless you{pointing finger}

You can follow Simply Simple on twitter- @simpleofbay or contact his manager- @emperoreight

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